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8HP Cultivator


The C8 Rotavator has built a reputation as a tough and durable machine that will perform in even the most demanding of conditions. With a powerful Honda GX270 petrol engine, this rotavator can tackle the toughest digging jobs.The machine uses two different drives; one which controls the wheels to move the machine forwards and the other which controls the digging tines. Because both drives are functioning simultaneously the machine is effectively doing all the work.

The machine uses two different drives; one which controls the wheels to move the machine forwards and the other which controls the digging tines. Because both drives are functioning simultaneously the machine is effectively doing all the work.With a 20" (52cm) rotavator box on the rear of the machine, the BCS 710 Rotavator is perfectly balanced. Combine this with a single forward and reverse speed and you've got a rotavator that's ideal for allotments and gardens and will quickly get your job done with the minimum effort on your part.

 8HP Cultivator  1 Day  Extra day  1 week  Weekend
 Hire charges  £65.00  £26.00  £130.00  £65.00

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